Roasted Mushrooms Stuffed with Feta, Spinach and Bacon

How to make Roasted Mushrooms Stuffed with Feta, Spinach and Bacon:
There are a few steps involved in making these mushrooms, so if you’re short on time–be sure to scroll down and follow the make-ahead instructions.
The first step in making these roasted mushrooms is cooking and then crumbling the bacon. Save the bacon fat! Then you’ll cook onion in a little bit of the bacon fat. To make the filling, you’ll combine the cooked onion with chopped frozen spinach, feta cheese, cream cheese and crushed red pepper.
Stemmed button mushrooms are tossed with bacon fat, salt and pepper. Then the mushrooms are baked until cooked and softened. This gives them a chance to draw the moisture out.

Finally, the mushrooms cavities are filled with the spinach/cheese/bacon filling. And then the mushrooms are baked until heated through- about 10 minutes. Then they’re ready to eat!