Dish Sponge: An Expert Tells You How to Sanitize It and How Often You Should Change It!


Dish Sponge: An Expert Tells You How to Sanitize It and How Often You Should Change It!

Dish Sponge: An Expert Tells You How to Sanitize It and How Often You Should Change It!

The sponge , precisely because of its function, is a true den of germs and bacteria .

Although it may seem harmless on the surface and therefore neglected for this reason, according to experts it is one of the dirtiest objects in a house.

This is because, as is well known, a sponge is used to remove dirt from pans , plates , cutlery and countertops .

So in addition to cleaning it very often , it is necessary to change it . However, not everyone knows how long it takes to change the sponge on the dishes to clean them completely hygienically.

If you are interested in finding out, keep scrolling down the page and your kitchen environment will be much cleaner.
Dish Sponge: An Expert Tells You How to Sanitize It and How Often You Should Change It!

Often, when cleaning the house, we tend to underestimate the importance of keeping tools such as brooms, kitchen towels and, of course, sponges clean and disinfected.

To use these tools in the best way and above all in a hygienic way, you must be careful to keep them clean.

The dish sponge, especially, should be replaced and disinfected frequently at least every 2 to 3 weeks . In this way, the bacterial load will be reduced and it will be possible to use it correctly.

In fact, microbiological studies have shown that most bacteria found in sponges belong to the Enterobacteriaceae family that make up the human commensal microbiome and are therefore not dangerous .

However, the border with the pathogen is not as thick as one might think . In fact, the presence of germs in a sponge should not be underestimated and, at the same time, it should not be excluded that dangerous bacteria can also be found .
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