With this trick, not a single mosquito bites you and goodbye insects, the house smells constantly


Products purchased as repellents against insect bites can be harmful and rich in preservatives. Over time, chemical agents could affect the well-being of people, animals and the environment.

For this reason, experts in the field help create a substance that perfumes the home but drives away mosquitoes forever. The ingredients are commonly used and the cost is zero, considering that they are always available.

Anti-mosquito makeup: the ingredients. The anti-mosquito itch trick is also a great way to perfume the entire house in a harmonious and delicate way. With just a few ingredients, you can make a powerful repellent that helps counteract the arrival of mosquitoes during the day and night.

Of course, for greater help, it is advisable to keep the house and surfaces clean and sanitized at all times. Additionally, it is not a bad idea to consider installing a mosquito net in addition to the repellent created at home.

Through video tutorials, wellness and home experts share their knowledge about this repellent that also works as an interior air freshener.

The ingredients are:.

domestic alcohol;
2 tablespoons of floor cleaner, preferably lavender;
2 tablespoons of baking soda;

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