How to Remove a Broken Key from a Lock: 5 Tricks to Avoid Dismantling Everything


You only need a very strong magnet. If the key is stuck in a vertical position, it is very easy to remove.

Apply some lubricant on it, then take the magnet and place it on the key so that it can act. The key should stick to the magnet and come out easily.

Second Trick

You need needle-nose pliers or scissors with very thin tips. Lubricate the area around the key and then use pliers or scissors to grasp the end of the key protruding from the lock.

Try to gently pull out the key. Perform this movement gradually, without pulling hard: you risk pushing the key deeper into the lock.

If the key has broken in the lock but the door has remained open, you can try one of the following tricks.

First Trick

If the key is stuck with the door open, look for keys with a very thin tip and insert one of the scissor tips from the opposite side (i.e., inside the house) until it contacts the key.

Push inward so that the key comes out completely. If you don’t get everything out, you can use pliers to pull it out completely.

Second Trick

This trick is similar to the previous one, but instead of scissors, we use another key.

By inserting it into the inside lock, the stuck key is pushed outward.

Third Trick

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