Naël: relatives of the little boy who died at 4 years old are launching a fundraiser for his funeral


Whether you are famous or anonymous, tragedy can always strike. In a family from Oise, these last few days have been particularly sad and painful. And for good reason: Naël, a 4-year-old schoolboy, lost his life last Thursday. The school contacted emergency services. But they were unable to resuscitate the toddler.

Smiling, the little boy brought happiness to his family. And the news of his death devastated those close to him. The affair greatly moved Internet users. Many wanted to send their condolences to Naël's parents. We can only imagine the grief of those around him. In these difficult circumstances, a surge of solidarity began to organize a memorable funeral for this child, who left too soon.

Naël: a prize pool is underway
Nowadays, with the advent of social networks, calls for donations can be set up easily. Also, to help the little boy's parents, family members decided to create an online fundraiser. In order to be able to organize a beautiful ceremony for Naël’s burial. A helping hand that will bring a little peace of mind to loved ones during this difficult time. If you wish to make a gesture, you can do so via the dedicated page on Leetchi.

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