Laurent Delahousse worries about the future of his children: “What the hell have you done?”


A few weeks ago, Laurent Delahousse received Alexandra Lamy on the set of “8:30 p.m. on Sunday”. On X this Friday, France 2 shared a video shot with the two celebrities in which they discuss the future of their children. Fearful, the two stars fear letting them live on a planet that is more in danger than ever...
Laurent Delahousse is afraid. As he revealed in a video that he published on his Instagram account this Friday July 5, 2024, and in which he opens up to some confidences with the actress Alexandra Lamy, whom he recently received on the 8:30 p.m. set On Sunday, the journalist revealed himself to be more worried than ever for his children, and more particularly for the planet that he will leave to them when he leaves... A discussion during which Alexandra Lamy revealed that she had the same concerns for his only daughter Chloé Jouannet, born from her past relationship with the actor Thomas Jouannet.
"I think of my children, yes, indeed. I said to myself: they will change the world. They are the ones who carry us. I immediately thought of my children, I thought of them, everything first of all because I'm going to leave them a planet that's not in great shape and I think it was them who first spoke to me, really, sincerely. did you screw up, what? And they were right and they opened the eyes of a lot of people, we see that there is an extremely mobilized youth and things are moving forward” confided Alice Taglioni’s companion. .
An opinion shared by Alexandra Lamy, who wanted to salute the courage of today's young people, who, according to her, are moving the lines, and will perhaps succeed in saving the world, or at least healing the wounds that older generations have woven: "It's youth who are changing the world. It's true. It's youth who are courageous, fighting, as always. It's often they who is on alert. Can we silence the youth? I don't think so. applauded the ex-partner of Jean Dujardin.
A blended family
A few weeks ago, on Instagram, after receiving Omar Sy on his Sunday show, Laurent Delahousse spoke about his relationship with the in-laws, with regard to the beautiful blended family that he created with Alice Taglioni. The two men had revealed their respective life paths. The 53-year-old journalist said he regretted the time spent working and being away from his family: "The fear is the lack of time, the absences. Here I am, I've been working a lot for years. Six days out of seven. But always keep this link, little messages, always something and also bring them to our workplace."
In the city, Laurent Delahousse is the father of four children, born from two separate relationships. In a relationship with Florence Kieffer, sister of Tina Kieffer, for several years, the couple gave birth to two children: Liv-Helen, in 2005, then Sacha, in 2008. In a relationship for more than ten years with Alice Taglioni, they had two other children together: Swann, in 2016, and Lino, in 2019. Alice Taglioni is the mother of a first eldest son, Charlie Quivrin, born from her relationship with the actor Jocelyn Quivrin, who died a few months after the birth of their son in a car accident on the A13 motorway.
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