July 14: moment of hesitation in the middle of the parade, an unexpected surprise surprises Emmanuel Macron


During the July 14 ceremony, broadcast by France 2, an unexpected moment of hesitation surprised Emmanuel Macron.

Emmanuel Macron attended the July 14 parade
Photo credit: Shutterstock
The July 14 parade avoided the Champs Élysées
Like every year, the July 14 parade took place in Paris. That said, this Sunday, the soldiers of the national holiday did not take to the ground on the Champs Élysées.
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Sunday July 14, France 2 broadcast images of the July 14 parade. But a small unforeseen event almost spoiled the ceremony, not failing to surprise Emmanuel Macron, present with his wife Brigitte and several ministers.

The July 14 military parade has been shortened
Like every year, the July 14 parade took place in Paris. That said, this Sunday, the soldiers of the national holiday did not take to the ground on the Champs Élysées. Due to the Olympic Games, the traditional military parade has been relocated to Avenue Foch. France 2 broadcast the images of this ceremony with its well-established mechanics. During such a well-attended event, every gesture counts. But sometimes, a simple unforeseen event can bring the whole machine to a halt. This is what happened towards the end of the morning.

The national holiday started around 10 a.m. As tradition dictates, the parade started from Place Charles de Gaulle Étoile. The trajectory then changed slightly, making the parade "shorter by a third", as Christophe Abad, military governor of Paris, explained on the website of the Ministry of the Armed Forces. Around 11:30 a.m., the wings of the first planes began to be distinguished in the sky, following the axis on which they trained last week, 240 meters above the ground. “They fly at 540 kilometers per hour, so it requires coordination down to the millimeter and the second,” said Julian Bugier, who presented the show.
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