“Answer me”: Jordan Bardella unable to answer a question last night, Gilles Bouleau asks him not to…


Jordan Bardella explains pension reform

“This morning you explained yourself again about your pension reform. I still don’t understand… Someone who started working before the age of 20 will retire at the latest at 60 without exception?”, the journalist first asked. “Perfectly, and…”, replied Jordan Bardella before being quickly cut off by his interlocutor: “very good. Someone who started working at 22 – this is a statistically more likely case because people are studying now – at what age will they leave?”

Gilles Bouleau annoyed by Jordan Bardella

The representative of the National Rally was then much more vague than the previous question. “He will leave later,” he simply replied. “Later when?” insisted Gilles Bouleau, who was visibly starting to lose patience. “I challenged and I am opposed to Emmanuel Macron’s reform,” Jordan Bardella recalled. A response which was once again not to Gilles Bouleau’s taste. “Yes you said it, and you want to cancel it”, reacted the journalist, a bit annoyed by the lack of precision of the political representative. The MEP nevertheless indicated that beyond 20 years, “there will be progressiveness implemented”. But regarding the details of this progressiveness, he preferred to rely on his famous “audit” which he wishes to launch if he manages to access the post of Prime Minister.