Corinne Masiero victim of incest: she breaks the silence for the first time “It’s never forgotten”


Captain Marleau's interpreter explained the reasons for his testimony. She shares on Sonia Devillers’ microphone: “Because it’s important to speak up. Because it’s important to participate in projects and films like Andréa [Rawlins]. Because words are the spark that makes things happen afterwards. » Like her, six other people agreed to tell their story in front of the journalist's camera.

Corinne Masiero is very committed to the fight against violence against women. She will notably be on the bill for Boomerang, on Wednesday October 5, as a bonus on France 2, which deals with sexual harassment at work. With Télé-Loisirs, she shared that “filming in Boomerang is an act of activism” and that “watching Boomerang is already in itself an act of activism. » She added that filming had been particularly complicated for her. “It woke things up. There were tears of pain, relief and sharing with the team. “, she explained.

In France, nearly seven million people say they have been victims of incest. “We are talking about these figures which affect incestuous families. I notice it when I do concerts with Les Vaginites. The public is asked who was affected directly or indirectly. We observe a forest of arms rising. It affects everyone, directly or indirectly. », noted Corinne Masiero on France Inter.
La comédienne emblématique de France 3 a ensuite confié avoir mis « plus de 45 ans » avant de pouvoir en parler. « Quand on a été victime, le cerveau occulte parfois le traumatisme. Il y a un mal-être qui se traduit par des phobies, des vomissements, des évanouissements, des dépressions. Et on ne sait pas d'où ça vient. », a-t-elle révélé. Avant d'ajouter : « Je suis déboussolée parce qu'hier, je suis allée voir un documentaire sur l'inceste auquel j'ai participé en tant que témoin. Ça ne s'oublie jamais quand on a été victime. Jamais. »