If you go out at night and see an abandoned stroller on the side of the road, don't get out of your car!


The world can be a frighteningly unpredictable place, full of danger and trouble for those who are not on guard.

It is a sad truth that this remains the case in this day and age, but I suppose some problems will always exist; it is an unfortunate negative trait of the human condition.

Over the years, we've tried to share with our readers our wisdom and knowledge wherever we find it, including what natural signs and signals to look out for, and what certain things - like, say, a bottle of seemingly harmless water found on your tire – can mean.

That's why we feel it's our duty to at least spread the word about a potential technique criminals use to lure reckless drivers out of their cars late at night.

You may have heard of the "abandoned baby" method, but we hadn't heard of it until we came across a viral post from a mother aimed at warning as many people as possible.

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