Jordan Bardella: Agustin Galiana says what he thinks “if he is elected, he must…


Agustin Galiana remembers his arrival in France
While he has just released a new version of the song Tu Findas with Natasha St-Pier – with whom he has the common point of having won an edition of Dancing with the Stars – Agustin Galiana was on the set of C to you this Friday, June 28. Obviously, the former actor from Here it all begins has not escaped the inevitable subject of recent weeks: the legislative elections. If he did not reveal which party he favors, he did, however, want to warn against the rise of the National Rally, he who arrived in France at the age of 34, the cause of the economic crisis in Spain.

“I am so unhappy with everything that is happening now. It is a united country, which warmly welcomes foreigners. I think that today we cannot lose that”, underlined Agustin Galiana, before insisting: “I feel a little French today even if I do not have the right to vote. And I find that we cannot forget these three pretty words that you have: liberty, fraternity and equality. Above all equality”. What to convince some undecided people? Answer in the ballot boxes this Sunday evening.