My madrastra and my daughters left me at home when I was buried so that my father entered into a coma - El karma las golpeó al día siguiente


The next few weeks were full of insults, cold gestures and false words. Contaba los days que faltaban para escaparme à la universidad, donde nonde tendría que lidiar avec Brenda y sus malvados engendros.

Sin embargo, algo más me roía el corazón. Dad's health took a long time. If there are any stomach pains that do not disappear, the doctors will ultimately decide what surgery is necessary.

If you assume that it will be high, then it will be assuaged. The idea of ​​quedarme solo with Brenda and her friends made me laugh.

Michael felt on the sofa, on his salud puddle | Source: Midjourney
Michael felt on the sofa, on his salud puddle | Source: Midjourney

“Dad, what if you don't like it? I'm sorry,” said a night when we were sent to the kitchen table. Brenda and the gems were killed, probably landed near a shopping center.

I prepared the hand. "Leah, you worry a lot. Brenda worries about you. She doesn't worry about it."

“Papá, tu no las conoces como yo”, insistedí. “Tienes que creerme”.

Suspiró, parecía cansado. “Confío en ti, pero Brenda... parece auténtica”. What to discuss more, but we see that it is agotado. Lo dejé, sabiendo que no change nada.

Leah y su padre halando en la mesa de la cocina | Source: Midjourney
Leah and her father hablando on the kitchen table | Source: Midjourney

The day of the operation went quickly and I asked at home, intending to be distracted. Brenda was in the hospital with her, but she was not worried. The query will be controlled by all.

Hacia el mediodia, where Brenda's voice comes from the kitchen: I saw a house when my father entered the house. Estaba al teléfono. Curiosa, me acerqué sigilosamente, without losing my view.

“How is he in a coma?”, say, with your voice, but no consciousness. I felt that my heart was discouraging me. “Sí, gracias, doctor”, where Brenda finished.
To hear a drama, quickly listen to the phone and pulse to record, just when Brenda listens. Llamó has his hijas.

"¡Chicas, vengan! Our hemos librado de Leah. Michael está en coma".

Brittany and Chloe wine corriendo, nothing. "¿En serio? ¿Ya podemos echarla?"

Brenda asintió, with a perverse sonrisa dibujándose en su rostro. "¡Leah! Recoge tus cosas. Te va".

Came with trumpicones into the kitchen, intending to maintain your firm. "What? No way you can do this."

“Oh, but you can,” said Brenda, with a sister of hers. “Ahora vete.”

The gems reveal that Leah's father is in a coma | Source: Midjourney
The gems reveal that Leah's father is in a coma | Source: Midjourney

Corrí scaleras arriba, metiendo put losses in a bag, with the hands temblorosas. We cannot create anything that is hidden. Mientras hacía la briefcase, supe que tenía an opportunidad de defenseme. Hold the recording. Quizá, sólo quizá, podría salvarme.

Spent the night at a friend's house, it was totally lost. At the next moment, I fled to the hospital to see my dad. Para mi sorpresa, estaba despierto, sentado en la cama y parecía cansado, pero muy vivo.

Leah's father despierto in his hospital bed | Source: Midjourney
Leah's father despierto in his hospital bed | Source: Midjourney

“¡Leah!”, he said when he heard it.

“Dad, it’s okay.” Le abracé con fuerza, con lágrimas en los ojos. “Brenda told me that I was in a coma.”

“¿Qué?”, parecía confusiono. "The operation went well. Hubo una confusion, pero estoy bien. Una enfermera había escrito erróneamente en la hoja del paciente que colgaba de la cama que estaba en coma. Alone estaba durmiendo por la anesthesia".

Call the phone. “Here you are.”
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