Paul Belmondo divorces Luana: The few words spoken to his 3 sons to explain his departure


Luana and Paul Belmondo ended their love story after 34 years together. The Roman chef spoke to our colleagues from “Paris Match” at the beginning of July 2024 and the son of Jean-Paul Belmondo, “annoyed” by the declarations and accusations of his future ex-wife, wanted to assert his right of reply . He sent a long letter to the magazine to defend himself publicly.
Luana and Paul Belmondo have always appeared as a loving and fulfilled couple. However, the cook of Italian origin announced a few weeks ago her separation from the son of Jean-Paul Belmondo. It was in an exclusive interview given to our colleagues at Paris Match that she spoke about how she painfully learned that it was over with her husband. In the press and via the distribution of photos of her husband with another woman, Luana Belmondo understood... "I am in shock, in distress. I don't feel angry, I just have a broken heart ", she admitted to P_aris Match_. She then regretted: “If this woman had not entered his life, he would still be there. My husband and I formed a close couple and, like everyone else, we experienced ups and downs, more difficult times” .
Tuesday July 16, Paul Belmondo asked to exercise his right of response in the columns of Paris Match in order to respond precisely to the statements of the woman who is still his wife for the moment. “I discovered in Paris Match an interview with my wife Luana seriously questioning me. Not having been contacted before the publication of the article, I made the difficult choice to express myself in complete transparency on the situation” , he first wrote. Then to elaborate: "Like thousands of French people, I am currently experiencing a separation from my wife which I intend to approach in a dignified and peaceful manner. After 34 years of shared happiness together, we have indeed made the decision to continue our journeys separately" .
Paul Belmondo angry
“We both had wonderful moments, then with our three sons and now with our grandson. The tenderness, kindness and gratitude that guided our story will remain intact for me,” he assured. Paul Belmondo then regretted "that Luana spoke publicly in the press about [their] life without warning [him]". He added: "His interview presents me as a cold and indifferent person when in fact I did everything possible to ensure that our separation took place in mutual respect." He clarified that contrary to his wife's accusations, he had in no way "abandoned [his] family overnight without giving them any sign of life".
"We have continued to stay in touch and are currently trying to find an amicable solution. Above all, I am always present for our children, with whom I have very good relationships. I deplore that all these elements, which belong to the most most intimate of my private life, be expressed publicly, a fortiori without my consent", continued a clearly annoyed Paul Belmondo. And to conclude: “Today, my priority is to preserve my privacy and to protect our children in these difficult times. I therefore call on everyone to respect my silence in this already painful enough transition period.” A message that has the merit of being clear.