“She insulted her audience”: Julie Pietri’s mind-blowing reaction during a concert in the North of France


When the concert turns into a fiasco
Accompanied by her health concerns and the loss of a loved one, Julie Pietri still wanted to continue her tour throughout France. To celebrate the national holiday, the singer performed in the north, in the small town of Wallers more precisely. While his fans were expecting an incredible show, they quickly became disillusioned because of the behavior of the interpreter of Ève get up.

We understand the discomfort generated by Julie Pietri's performance by reading the words of the mayor, Salvatore Castiglione, who spoke in the regional newspaper La Voix du Nord: "I was very angry yesterday". The revelations don't stop there since we also learn the reason why the star of the song got angry. According to her, her audience was not responsive enough and did not applaud enough.

Julie Pietri insults her audience
The mayor of Wallers continues by explaining: “She attacked the public violently. I think it was a failed show on her part. There are other ways of saying things.” According to him, Julie Pietri left the stage adding, before leaving, that it was the worst audience she had experienced in her career. Whether it is true or not, one thing is certain, the inhabitants of Wallers will remember this performance considered unworthy.

“This is the first time we have had this kind of situation. She insulted her audience several times during her show. However, we know how to welcome, we are charming, I thought that at 69 years old, with her experience, she would have behaved differently.” concludes Salvatore Castiglione. La Voix du Nord also tells us that the singer would have prohibited the public from taking photos and videos during her concert.