These influencers drive a Lamborghini and kill a child


A ridiculous challenge
The causes of this accident are truly regrettable. The young adults set themselves the challenge of driving very fast through the streets of Rome and spending 50 hours straight in their car. Sentences as stupid as “Push yourself with your Smart which costs 300 euros used in a supermarket while mine is worth a billion” were uttered by the members of this small group. “We can propose a new highway code by improving education, controls and sanctions. But in the face of such stupidity, there is nothing we can do,” said Matteo Salvini, the Minister of Transport. These five individuals generated a wave of astonishment and sometimes hatred in Italy. People don't understand how you can get to this point just to get more followers.

“At least have the decency to close your YouTube channel out of respect for the family you have destroyed,” we could read in particular from a disappointed Internet user. Once again, influencers have shown a poor image of themselves. They sometimes have millions of people following them and could use it to “do good” but apparently, it’s not “sales” or “profitable” enough.