Indeed, it was only when she reached her nine springs that young Charlotte pushed back her mother's breast. She made the decision to “self-wean”. His mother, Sharon Spink, a supporter of attachment parenting, believes that it is very important, even vital, to respect and take into account the needs and desires of the child. And to ensure his total well-being, so as to create a close and lasting attachment between the mother and the father and his offspring.
“When Charlotte arrived, I had opted for natural full-term weaning,” the mother explained to The Sun. It’s good for the child to have control over when they want to wean rather than forcing the issue. »
In this specific case of breastfeeding which lasted longer and weaning which took a long time to come, Sharon Spink did not follow the protocol and did not want to fit into the mold of the norm. At the risk of attracting the wrath of public opinion, she gave free rein to Mother Nature. “They called me all the names,” she regretted. I was told it was child abuse, called a pedophile and told I was a monster. »
Finally, she let little Charlotte decide for herself when she wanted to be weaned.
“We didn’t discuss it anymore because she didn’t want to anymore,” explained the mother. I just hope that when she is older she will remember the feeling of comfort and security that feeding gave her.”
Today, both mother and daughter are doing wonderfully, she says, and are happier and more fulfilled than ever. The Editorial team makes you discover this story of maternal love, between the fusion for them and the incomprehension of others.