Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, soon to be replaced?


. The journalist left his mark on this newspaper, he had a very special link with the French public. He presented TF1's Journal de 13H for more than 32 years, from 1988 to 2020. Often described as a lover of the regions, JPP gave importance to local news and knew how to conquer the hearts of viewers.

Marie-Sophie Lacarrau had the honor of sharing the air with him during his last television news on December 18, 2020 when he said goodbye. A moving moment which will remain in the memory of many French people. The journalist most likely realized the scale of the task that awaited her that day. She knew that the viewers would not spare her.

Succeeding a character such as Jean-Pierre Pernaut is a difficult task and, unsurprisingly, the millions of French people, loyal to Nathalie Marquay's husband, were quick to give their opinion on Marie-Sophie Lacarrau via social networks, without even giving him time to prove himself.

Bad news never comes alone, even before having celebrated the first anniversary of taking office, the young woman was unfortunately forced to be absent from television sets in December 2021. She encountered health problems , and contracted amoebic keratitis, an eye infection caused by her contact lenses.

Jacques Legros and Julien Arnaud had to replace her until May 2022. Back at the end of August 2022, Marie-Sophie Lacarrau was determined to take over the reins of TF1's Journal de 13H and was keen to prove that she deserved her place .
Elle a cependant dû faire face à de nouveaux problèmes. Victime de menaces, la jeune aveyronnaise a encore une fois dû affronter la situation. D’où venaient-elles ?

Elles venaient de la direction de TF1 qui estimait que les scores d’audience de la journaliste étaient à la baisse. Et pourtant, la première chaîne et Marie-Sophie Lacarrau obtenaient un excellent score, réunissant jusqu’à 4,3 millions de téléspectateurs, soit 40,1% de part de marché. Mais la concurrence est rude et le 12.45 de M6 présenté par Kareen Guiock réunissait 27,5 % des femmes de moins de 50 ans, cible convoitée par les patrons de TF1. Et pour ne rien arranger, sur France 2, l’ancien collègue de Marie-Sophie Lacarrau, Julian Bugier gagnait, quant à lui, 1,1 point d’audience.

Toutes les conditions étaient donc réunies pour faire trembler Marie-Sophie Lacarrau et pour la déstabiliser. À ce jour, la journaliste est toujours en poste. Qui prendra sa succession ? L’avenir nous le dira !