Chimney Sweep's Advice on Keeping the Fire Burning All Night



Keeping a fire burning overnight is a traditional practice that provides warmth and comfort. However, it is crucial to do so safely and efficiently. In this article, we share tips from an experienced chimney sweep to ensure optimal combustion and reduce the associated risks.


Well-seasoned wood (preferably dried for at least two years)
Eco-friendly firelighters
Well-maintained fireplace or wood stove

Preparing the fire:

Place the largest logs at the bottom of the fireplace or stove, leaving room for air circulation.
Stack smaller twigs or thin wood on top of the logs, creating a pyramid structure.
Insert the eco-friendly firelighters between the twigs.

Light the firelighters with a match or long lighter.
Once the fire is burning well, partially close the air control valve to control the combustion.
Keeping it overnight:

Make sure your stove or fireplace has an air control system that allows for slow, sustained combustion.
Avoid overloading the fire with too much wood, as this can smother the combustion.
Never leave a fire unattended overnight.
Tips for serving and storing:

Use the fire to warm the room before bed, ensuring it is at a comfortable temperature.
Store wood in a dry, well-ventilated place to keep it well-seasoned.
Clean your fireplace or stove regularly to remove ash and prevent creosote build-up, reducing the risk of fires.