A Simple DIY Remedy to Eradicate Rats and Roaches Instantly


Essential oils for added repellent effect: Add a few drops of peppermint, eucalyptus, or citronella essential oils to the dough. These scents can further deter pests and enhance the effectiveness of the remedy.
For larger infestations: If the infestation is particularly severe, increase the quantities of ingredients to make more bait balls.
Q1: Is this remedy safe to use around pets and children?
A1: Yes, the ingredients used are non-toxic and safe for households with children and pets. However, it's still best to place the bait in areas that are not easily accessible to avoid accidental consumption.

Q2: How long will it take to notice results?
A2: Most people see results within the same day, though it may take up to 48 hours for the pests to completely disappear, depending on the severity of the infestation.

Q3: Will this method work for both rats and roaches?
A3: Yes, this remedy is effective for both rats and roaches. The cocoa powder attracts both types of pests, while the baking soda helps eliminate them upon ingestion.

Q4: Can I use this remedy in outdoor areas?
A4: This remedy is best suited for indoor use, particularly in kitchens, basements, and other areas where pests are commonly found. For outdoor use, consider using natural pest repellents designed for that environment.

This simple and effective remedy provides a natural, inexpensive solution to pest problems in your home. With just a few ingredients, you can make your own bait that is sure to drive rats and roaches away in no time!