Herbal Freshness: Freeze mint leaves or rosemary in your ice cubes to add a natural, pleasant aroma.
Odor Buster: Mix baking soda into your sink beforehand for added deodorizing power as the ice melts.
Drain Cleaner: Combine the ice cubes with a handful of coarse salt to help scrub and clean the sink’s drain area.
Q: Does this hack really work?
A: Yes! The ice cubes help loosen stuck-on debris and deodorize the sink, making cleanup easier.
Q: Will ice cubes damage my sink?
A: No, ice cubes are safe for most sink materials, including stainless steel and porcelain.
Q: Can I use flavored or leftover ice cubes?
A: Absolutely! However, avoid using ice cubes with strong flavors that might leave unwanted residue.
Q: How often should I use this hack?
A: You can use it weekly or whenever you notice buildup or unpleasant odors in your sink.
TikTok hacks often leave us questioning their practicality, but the ice cube sink trick is a simple, effective way to freshen up your kitchen. With just a few ice cubes and a little patience, your sink can look and smell as good as new!