Gabriel Attal: after the defeat, he announces a radical decision…

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While his position was clearly threatened, Gabriel Attal's attitude when going to vote caused a lot of ink to flow. GABRIEL ATTAL: HIS SURPRISING ATTITUDE WHEN VOTING He has become a familiar face to the French. Despite his very young age, Gabriel Attal is now a veteran in French politics. GABRIEL ATTAL SO YOUNG AND ...

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Inès Reg disgusted by the RN score, she says “you French are…

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Many celebrities have shared their relief after the legislative results. At the forefront of these, Inès Reg and Sophie Marceau. “IT’S WOW”, AFTER SOPHIE MARCEAU, INÈS REG EXPRESSES HER RELIEF ON DISCOVERING THE RESULTS OF THE LEGISLATIVE The recent Dancing with the Stars finalist was anxious, and that’s putting it mildly. Like many people, she ...

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Shannen Doherty (Beverly Hills, Charmed) has died at the age of 53…

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This Saturday, July 13, Shannen Doherty died at the age of 53, in Los Angeles. The actress had been fighting cancer with strength and courage for several years. A fight that she did not hesitate to publicize in order to relieve other patients. “My fear is undeniable.” On June 7, 2023, Shannen Doherty announced on ...

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