6 tips to always have a fragrant bathroom even if it doesn’t have a window


Simply take a candle and place it in the center, after lighting it. This way, the heat given off by the flame will ensure that the scent spreads throughout the bathroom.

One way to constantly scent your bathroom is to use potpourri. It can also be purchased in home improvement stores, but in reality you can do it from the comfort of your home, having fun and choosing the scent you prefer for yourself.

Take what you have at home: rose petals, citrus peels, cloves or cinnamon sticks. In the case of bark and petals, let them dry on your balcony for a few days. If it’s winter, it’s also good on the radiator.

We take a mortar and grind them delicately, so that they release their perfume, or simply mix them and let them sit, so that the perfume amalgamates me.

To enhance the scent, we can choose an essential oil based on the ingredients we have chosen.

At this point we can place the Potpourri in the windowless bathroom and also at the entrance, so that our guests are enveloped by the sweet and wonderful scent.

Additionally, potpourri can also be placed in drawers to scent laundry.

With alcohol and softener:
This homemade method is very effective for scenting our bathroom, even if it does not have windows.

You will need to create a spray with 2 ingredients that you easily have at home: fabric softener and denatured alcohol.

In a measuring cup add 200 ml of fabric softener (preferably concentrated) then 200 ml of alcohol. Pour everything into a spray bottle and shake well.

This solution can be sprayed on sanitary facilities but also tiles. Two sprays are enough and dry with a little paper towel. You will notice that the bathroom will smell like never before!

This is also a great method for toilet odors. In this case, spray the solution into the toilet and leave for a few minutes, then flush the drain.

Denatured alcohol will have a detergent and anti-odor action.

NB We recommend that you use an ecological softener, in order to have a respectful impact on the environment.

It seems trivial, but a handful of salt can make all the difference in your bathroom! It is known that this domestic environment is subject to a lot of humidity, so much so that mold spots can also appear.

But, given salt’s enormous ability to absorb moisture, we have a good solution. Take a bowl with a strainer on it, in which you have put a handful of salt. You will notice that gradually the water present in the environment will drip into the bowl.

It is a very useful natural method which helps to avoid bad odors and improve our natural perfumes.